Alibaba Cloud lightweight server starts at 24 yuan/1GB/25GB/1TB (30M) available in Hong Kong

Alibaba Cloud is considered a major domestic company. It currently provides lightweight cloud servers, with monthly payments starting from as low as 24 yuan. Hong Kong computer rooms are optional, with a single-core 1G memory and 25GB hard drive providing 1TB monthly traffic. The peak bandwidth is 30Mbps. This bandwidth and price are really awesome.

Tencent Cloud flash sale: 1,499 yuan/3 years-dual core/4G memory/50G hard drive/6M bandwidth/optional in Shanghai and Guangzhou

Tencent CloudThe recent flash sale event released a new value-for-money machine. It costs 1,499 yuan to buy a three-year dual-core CPU, 4G memory, 50GB hard drive, 6M bandwidth, optional in Shanghai and Guangzhou. In regional computer rooms, big-name cloud servers at this price are still very cost-effective. Friends who have domestic regular website needs can pay attention.

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