Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of Mid-Autumn Festival discounts: Fengji Data/Duoke Network/Yanhui Network/Zhicheng Data/Fast Cloud Network/Compass Network

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, and it is also an opportunity for IDCs to release discounts to seize customer resources. Recently, I have received discount information from some VPS hosting providers, all of which were launched for the Mid-Autumn Festival. They are summarized here for easy selection. Listed in no particular order, in email order.

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