Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Summary of preferential information in May 2013: Duoke Network/Zheling Yunqing/Compass Network/Yanhui Network

As the end of the month approaches, everything is going on, and blog updates and management are lagging behind a lot. Recently, I have received a lot of discount information from IDC, so I will make a summary here for everyone’s convenience. Some of them are familiar faces, so I will only give a brief introduction, mainly to share new discount information.

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