DirectSpace: $10/month KVM-512MB/20G SSD/1TB/2IP Portland

There has been no news about DirectSpace for a long time, mainly because he has not sent out any discount codes or new packages. In fact, in the past time, DirectSpace has made quite a few moves. First of all, the official has removed all HDD disk machines from the shelves, and all currently on sale are pure SSD disk packages; in addition, the host provider has changed the original windows VPS series to the KVM series, making the classification clearer.

Value-for-money VPS recommendation (5): DSVPS-VPS. Pay $4 per month

In fact, DSVPS has always been a very value-for-money VPS. Last year, it launched a 2-dollar monthly VPS. 1 was sold out for a while, and even after slight changes in price and configuration, it was $4/month (natural monthly billing, Purchases only cost the remaining days of the month), and they are not always in stock.

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