FrontRangeHosting: $1.5/month OpenVZ-128MB/256MB/5GB/250GB Denver

In early August, the Good VPS Tribe once shared that FrontRangeHosting provided a VPS that supports monthly payment for US$2. However, at the end of the month, the price was exceeded again. The host company released a lifetime 25% off discount code on LEB. , applicable to all packages, the price of this lowest configuration VZ128 package has been refreshed to US$1.5/month.

DMEHosting: $9.95/month OpenVZ-2G/3G/50GB/2TB Denver

DMEHosting is an American hosting provider established in 2007. It provides virtual hosts, VPS, servers and other products. The VPS provided comes from 6 data centers and is based on the OpenVZ architecture. It clearly states that it is open TUN and PPP support the establishment of V*P*N.

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