Datarealm: $4/month KVM-512MB/15GB/1TB Phoenix

Datarealm is a foreign VPS service provider. The domain name has been registered since 1995, and their website about page also introduces it this way: Datarealm was founded by three University of Pennsylvania students back in 1995 (true or false?). The host provider provides VPS products based on the KVM architecture. The data center is in Arizona, USA, and the minimum monthly payment starts at US$4.

Datarealm: $4/month KVM-512MB/15GB/1TB Phoenix

Datarealm has shared it on the blog several times, the earliest being in 2014, but the hosting provider is said to have been established in 1995 and provides VPS hosts based on the KVM architecture, with HDD and SSD series respectively.

Datarealm: $4/month KVM-512MB/15GB/1TB Phoenix

Datarealm is a foreign VPS hosting provider that was established earlier. It says it started in 1995 and the main website domain name was registered in 1996. Good VPS Gathering has introduced it several times before, but I don’t know if it has really been in business for twenty years. The hosting provider uses its own machine hardware and IP resources.

Datarealm: $4/month KVM-512MB/15GB/1TB Phoenix

Datarealm is a foreign VPS hosting provider that was established earlier. It says it started in 1995 and the main website domain name was registered in 1996. Good VPS Gathering has introduced it several times before, but I don’t know if it has really been in business for twenty years. The hosting provider uses its own machine hardware and IP resources.

DataRealm: $5/month KVM-512MB/10GB/1TB Phoenix

DataRealm is a foreign VPS service provider. His domain name has been registered since 1996. I saw his advertisement in LET saying that the company started in 1995. I don’t know the specific details. If you are interested, you can check it out. . Currently, host vendors have launched the KVM architecture series, which originally only had XEN.

Datarealm: $4/month KVM-512MB/15GB/1TB Phoenix

Datarealm is a well-established foreign hosting provider. Good VPS Group introduced it once in 2014 and early 2015. The domain name was registered in 1996. Their self-report also states that the company has been providing hosting services since 1995.

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