BHost: £1.44/month OpenVZ-256MB/512MB/15GB/300GB UK
BHost is a VPS hosting provider headquartered in London, UK. It provides VPS products based on OpenVZ and XEN architecture in the UK. Currently, LEB has a discount information for this hosting provider. It happened that a friend in the group mentioned that he wanted to buy a British VPS, so I would like to share it.
BHost: £1.44/month OpenVZ-256MB/512MB/15GB/300GB UK
BHost is a VPS hosting provider headquartered in London, UK. It provides VPS products based on OpenVZ and XEN architecture in the UK. Currently, LEB has a discount information for this hosting provider. It happened that a friend in the group mentioned that he wanted to buy a British VPS, so I would like to share it.
BHost: £1.44/month OpenVZ-256MB/512MB/15GB/300GB UK
BHost is a VPS hosting provider headquartered in London, UK. It provides VPS products based on OpenVZ and XEN architecture in the UK. Currently, LEB has a discount information for this hosting provider. It happened that a friend in the group mentioned that he wanted to buy a British VPS, so I would like to share it.
BHost: $2.5/month-256MB/512MB/10GB/250GB UK
BHost is a British VPS hosting provider.
BHost: $2.5/month-256MB/512MB/10GB/250GB UK
BHost is a British VPS hosting provider.