DixHost: $10/month HVM-2GB/150GB/2TB Spain

DixHost is a European hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since 2009. It provides VPS products in Europe. The main site is in France. Currently, the hosting provider has released some Spanish data center VPS product information on WHT, all of which are large. Hard drive, high memory and multiple traffic, but the price is not high.

50% off for 80VPS 32: 37 Yuan XEN-512MB/30GB/500GB Ten Data Center

80VPS is a well-established Chinese VPS hosting provider. Although it has not been selling independent platforms for a long time, it has been selling VPS on Taobao for many years. It provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture and has quite a few data centers. , including more than ten data centers in China, Hong Kong, and the United States.