DS is the abbreviation of DirectSpace. This is a foreign hosting provider that provides products including cloud hosting, VPS, independent servers and other products. The data centers include Los Angeles, Portland and Dallas. DSVPS started its Internet career in 2001. It has its own computer rooms in Portland and Los Angeles , with good domestic access speeds.

Since the 512MB product of DSVPS went from US$4, to US$5, and now to US$8 now, in the process of price increase, the degree of attention is also gradually increasing. reduce;-). However, DSVPS should also be aware of this, so it has been providing some awesome discount codes to reduce prices in disguise. In April 2012, DSVPS provided a 33% discount code. It is a VPS with the lowest configuration after using the discount code. Only $5.36 (original price $8/month)

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Burst memory: 1024MB
Hard drive: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
2 IPs/SolusVM

【Discount Code】33APRIL2012
Click directly to the DS official website→
After using the DS discount code , the price basically dropped back to the previous position of 5 US dollars. , it’s quite powerful. After all, it provides 2 independent IP addresses. In addition, the VPS products provided by DS are all G-port shared, and the network speed is very good.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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