LOCVPS: 64 yuan/month XEN-2GB/40GB/5M unlimited Japan

LOCVPS is a Chinese VPS service provider established in 2012. It currently provides computer rooms in Los Angeles MC, Los Angeles C3, Hong Kong PN, Shatin Telecom, Tai Po and Tokyo, Japan based on XEN Architecture of VPS hosting. This month, the merchant launched Japan's second regional VPS product: Japan's Osaka Computer Room, and provided a lifetime 20% discount.

LOCVPS: 60 yuan/month XEN-2GB/40GB/8M unlimited Japan

LOCVPS is a Chinese VPS service provider established in 2012. It currently provides computer rooms in Los Angeles MC, Los Angeles C3, Hong Kong PN, Shatin Telecom, Tai Po and Tokyo, Japan based on XEN Architecture of VPS hosting. This month, the merchant launched Japan's second regional VPS product: Japan's Osaka Computer Room, and provided a lifetime 20% discount.

360 vs. QQ cover songs

360 has been fighting with QQ for a month. Although 360 seems to have given in, it seems that the old horse has no intention of giving up. Hey, it seems that 360 will not give up until it is killed this time!