LOCVPS is a Chinese VPS service provider established in 2012. It currently provides computer rooms in Los Angeles MC, Los Angeles C3, Hong Kong PN, Shatin Telecom, Tai Po and Tokyo, Japan based on XEN Architecture of VPS hosting. This month, the merchant launched Japan's second regional VPS product: Japan's Osaka Computer Room, and provided a lifetime 20% discount. After the discount, the monthly payment for the 2G package starts at only 60 yuan.
Let’s share the configuration information of two VPS hosts in Osaka, Japan.
The test IP above is the computer room in Osaka, Japan. The discount code is 20% off for the entire site. The lifetime discount is the same as the renewal price. Friends who need other computer rooms can search for historical articles on the blog. The VPS host in the Osaka computer room in Japan uses SSD hard drives. In order to limit the bandwidth and unlimited traffic, it supports Linux or Windows operating systems.