Come to 2 free calls - Calling Bank Huhutong

I have been using China Unicom's WCDMA for a long time. I have always used the 96 package, but it only has a pitiful 240 minutes of calls (good VPS note: the current 96B package already has 450 minutes), so it times out every month. I want to find toll free number to make calls. My heart never stops, here are 2 for everyone to play with.
1. Talking Treasure free 350M support PHP space

free space provided by, using CP management panel, the initial size of the space is 350MB, the monthly traffic limit is 2GB, you can park 10 domain names, make 5 sub-domain names, in addition FTP accounts, MySQL database number , you can create 10 email accounts. Although the space is not very large, it can be used for testing and website development.

CentOS6.0 released CentOS6.0 map

We often buy Linux VPS, so we should be familiar with CentOS. CentOS is an enterprise-level Linux distribution derived from free and open source code from upstream operating system providers. CentOS fully complies with the upstream vendor's redistribution policy and aims for 100% software compatibility.

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Good VPS has built several small sites, but it has never been noticed by google. Of course, it may be that the perseverance is not enough, haha. Except for one Hubei forum that is not 0, the others have basically not broken through yet.