[Server]HostingInside: $49/month-N3150&J3160/8GB/1TB/unlimited traffic Taiwan

I have introduced HostingInside many times on my blog. The first introduction started in 2011. The products involved are all VPS hosts. Hosting companies also have independent server products. For example, this Taiwanese independent server product was recently released. The original price is 69 US dollars per month. At present, It’s only $49 after using the discount code. Except for the slightly inferior CPU, everything else is still very good.

[Windows Series 09] Windows 2008 Modifies Remote Desktop Port

While the one-month free KVM has not expired, continue to log in to Windows 2008. This time we will modify the Windows 2008 remote desktop port together, which is also part of the basic security configuration of Windows. Regarding changing the remote desktop port, the easiest way is to use a tool. It is recommended that you use the Guardian God 3389 port change tool, which can be downloaded from the Guardian God website software page.

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