Because I have been busy with some messy things recently, the blog updates have been slightly stagnant. I have received promotional information from some host companies, and I will make a summary today (the following IDC rankings are in no particular order).

Coupon code: 80vps1year
Discount: 40% off
Computer room line: webnx  he  t2 peer1 5 computer rooms including Seattle and Hong Kong
Validity period: the first 30 on June 12th
80VPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, using Xensystem The system is based on the XEN architecture and provides installation of windows and Linux systems. This discount code is to celebrate the first anniversary of the establishment of 80VPS. It is applicable to all computer rooms and all packages. A 512MB product located in the Los Angeles webnx computer room is 45 yuan per month (

Original price 75 yuan/month


CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Test IP:   Official website:

Coupon code: hecomvps
Discount: 40% off
Computer room line: HE San Jose computer room
Validity period: 1 month
COMVPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, using the Xensystem system, based on the XEN architecture, providing windows and Linux system installation, a 1024MB product after this discount code is 119 yuan per month (

Original price 189 yuan/month


CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 40GB
Monthly traffic: 600GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Test IP:   Official website:
★★★Dok Network★★★

Coupon code: , supports windows and linux systems, a 512MB product after this discount is 59.6 yuan per month (

Original price 149 yuan/month


CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 30GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
1 IP/Xensystem

Test IP:   Official website:

Coupon code: Promo50
Discount: 50% off
Computer room line: Los Angeles Psychz
Validity period: Undetermined
EMSHOST is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, with the Chinese name Yisu Internet, using the Xensystem system, based on the XEN architecture , supports windows and linux systems, a 512MB product after this discount is 89.5 yuan per month (

Original price 179 yuan/month


CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 20GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
1 IP/Xensystem

Test IP:   Official website:

Coupon code: 515idc60
Discount rate: 40% off
Computer room line: Santa Ana
Validity period: June 12
515IDC is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, using the Xensystem system, based on the XEN architecture, supporting windows and Linux systems, a 256MB product after this discount is 41.4 yuan per month (

Original price 69 yuan/month


CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 15GB
Monthly traffic: 100GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Test IP:   Official website:
The above discounts are the recent Chinese IDC discount information collected. For other information about each host provider, you can search for the previous introduction of the VPS tribe. article.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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