ZNZNET is a newly opened Chinese VPS hosting provider, providing VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system (only windows system products), the data center includes Los Angeles /Seattle /Kansas/Chicago, all packages have limited bandwidth but no monthly traffic limit. The lowest configuration of a 512MB product is 50 yuan per month.
ZNZNET only has the windows system. Let’s take a look at the configuration information of the lowest product.
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (5Mbps)
1 IP/Xensystrem
Test IP: (Los Angelespsychz)
Click to go to the hosting provider’s official website→
The ZNZNET website looks a bit like YardVPS Like oh, hey, that's right, it's his skin. The website currently only has windows system (windows 2003 simplified/English/all-in-one environment). The test IP Los Angeles is from the psychz computer room. There is no test IP that can be passed in the backend of other areas. Request a test from online customer service.