Many small webmasters, I believe, are like me. Starting a small blog or small forum is purely a hobby. Very few of them actually make money from the Internet as a hobby. I have been looking for free space recently, and there are many introductions in the blog. The free space introduced to you today is not provided by professional IDC. It is provided by 9 webmasters. Free space provided by United for everyone.
This free space was just launched recently. They provide two types of free space: free blog space and free forum space. The parameters of the blog space are: space size 100M, monthly traffic 5G, server in five-star computer room in the United States, using genuine DA or Kloxo Chinese management panel. The parameters of the forum space are: 200M size, 8G monthly traffic, the server is in a Canadian computer room, and the CP management panel is used.
Because the space server is abroad, there is no need to register. The space speed is good because it is provided by 9 webmasters. I believe they understand the needs of our grassroots webmasters best. The space has few disabled functions and no advertisements. Tie rice. Of course, in order to prevent resources from being abused, we currently apply for space by posting on the forum (the difficulty is very low and easy to do)
Okay, friends in need, please go to the forum to register and apply. Registration address:
The space speed is quite good. I also applied for one the day before yesterday. I will put a forum on it and give you a demonstration:  I have tried other sites that use this free website, and the speed is also very good.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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