Yuanxin Network is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. It registered its company operations on August 1 this year. It provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. The data centers include webnx and Fulmont in Los Angeles, USA. He, San Jose, Phoenix, etc. now have newly launched Hong Kong New World Telecommunications computer room products and provide a 15% off lifetime discount.
Hong Kong VPS configuration starts from 512MB package, 135 yuan per month after discount (original price 159 yuan/month)
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 25GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (1Mbps)
1 IP/Xensystem
Coupon code: YXENNWT
Click to go to the hosting provider’s official website →
Hong Kong is adjacent to the mainland and has superior geographical conditions. Although the international bandwidth is small, the speed is good and suitable for traffic. This is the best choice for those who don’t care much about speed. The above is a lifetime discount, the renewal price is the same, and it is applicable to all new Hong Kong computer room packages.