Today I would like to recommend a very simple CMS theme , and it is an original theme by Chinese people. It is simple but not simple, and the layout is fresh and fashionable. Here is a screenshot of this CMS:

Official website demo: Click to go directly to
Theme download: Click to download
Style installation is relatively simple, download and unzip it and transfer it to the WP theme directory, enable it in the background. That's it. However, it is worth noting that the section displayed on the page needs to modify the index.php file code in the template: $display_categories = array(1,3,4,130,6,7,8,5);
Change the 1, Change 3,4,130,6,7,8,5 to the ID of your own column.
Based on feedback from netizens, this theme can be displayed normally in IE6, 7, Firefox, and Safari, so no compatibility issues have been found.

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