Last night I saw that someone else's WP site had been made static. As we all know, WordPress consumes a lot of resources, so I also wanted to make it static for a while. First of all, I hope to improve the quality of access. In addition, static pages are more conducive to search engine crawling. After looking for it for a long time, I saw that many people recommended a plug-in: wp-super-cache. This plug-in is installed on this website and I would like to share it with you now!
Some people also use this plug-in WP-Cache, but the biggest improvement of WP Super Cache compared to WP-Cache is the addition of Super Cache. Some pages will be cached as SuperCache according to certain rules, and this SuperCache is essentially the page itself. Accessing these static files directly via Apache mod_rewrite redirection theoretically results in better performance.
WP-Super-Cache plug-in installation:
Download the WP-Super-Cache plug-in, and then upload the plug-in to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
Go to the wp management background plug-in page to activate the plug-in. After activating the plug-in, a red warning will appear. At this time, you need to add the following code to the wp-config.php file: define('WP_CACHE', true);
In the background management page, go to Settings–>WP-Super-Cache and make relevant settings for this plug-in. When you enter this page, you will be prompted at the top to set the permissions of wp-content to 755. Set After that, you will see three options on the plug-in settings page. By default, WP Super Cache is not turned on, so if you select it here, click on the first one, which is Super Cache. The cache is a static file. If The second case is consistent with WP-Cache. In addition to these three options, there are other options on the page. Here is a brief introduction:
Proudly tell the world your server is Digg proof! (places a message in your blog's footer)
This means displaying a message in your footer to tell readers that the blog has been cached. Generally, do not do this.
Clear all cache files when a post or page is published. (This may significantly slow down saving of posts.)
This means clearing all cache files when a new post is published. This must not be done.
Cache Contents
This displays the number of cache files and expired files on your blog. You can delete cache files and expired files manually. Because WP Super Cache has a garbage collection mechanism, there is no need to delete them manually. If you When you test a plug-in and don't see the effect, if it is determined to be due to caching, you can go here to manually delete it and test it.
Expiry Time and Garbage Collection
Expiry time and garbage collection. Here you mainly set the cache file expiration time and how often to delete expired cache files. Personal suggestion: Generally, the cache time is set to about 1 day (86400), and the cache deletion time is once an hour.
Accepted filenames, rejected URIs
Some links set here do not require caching, and special cases can be set.
Rejected User Agents
Here you set certain User Agents to not be cached when accessed. Such as Google and Baidu crawlers, etc.
Lock Down
Under normal circumstances, if there are new comments in a certain blog, the cache file will be updated. However, whether this blog has reached the cache time, but in some circumstances, you expect that your blog may There will be a lot of traffic and messages, so repeatedly updating the cache file may not be a good choice, and the speed will be slower. At this time, you can lock the cache file, and new messages will no longer update the cache log.
Let’s see how it goes, because I have just installed this plug-in. In addition, this plug-in must have a fixed link. I will tell you about the setting of fixed links in WordPress in a later blog post. Okay, everyone download this plug-in.
Download address, click to go directly to

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