What I’m talking about here is hiding the wordpress title and subtitle, not deleting it, because if you delete it directly, it will be greatly detrimental to SEO. Just imagine that a website without a title is like a house without a house number. How can I find it with search engines such as , baidu, and google? What we need to do is to cleverly hide the original text title with CSS so that it can be seen by search engines but invisible by the client. This requires using a high text-indent attribute. The specific method is as follows:
h1 {
font-family:Microsoft Yahei;
  This method not only personalizes the WordPress title, but also Very search engine friendly, recommended.
In addition, I will briefly introduce the method of adding a logo image background to the WordPress title.
Find the title selector in the CSS file. Assume that the title selector of your site is h1. Add the background attribute to it, for example:
h1 a,h1 a:visited {
background:transparent url (/images/allbgs.gif) no-repeat scroll -130px -484px;
These tips are enthusiastic People have concluded that good VPSs are just used for free, and the specific source cannot be found. I would like to express my gratitude to the friends who provide these conveniences!

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