Nowadays, the domestic copyright awareness is gradually increasing. Many domestic host companies have also indicated that their Windows systems need to be activated by themselves. For example, some friends do not activate the Windows 2008 system, or they activate it in their own way but find that the system shuts down from time to time. In fact, this is caused by the system not being fully activated.
I met a reader’s friend’s machine. I checked that the system was activated, but it still shut down automatically? First, we check the activation status through My Computer and Properties.
Well, it shows that windows has been activated. In fact, this status is not necessarily accurate. We need to check the status behind the product ID in the initial configuration task.
How to enter the initial configuration task in the system? Click Start, Run, oobe, and press Enter.
As shown in the picture above, we can see that the product ID shows that it is not activated, and normal activation will show the secret key and activated. At this time, we need to fully activate the system to solve the automatic shutdown problem. How to activate the Windows 2008 system There are many online, you can refer to them.


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