Regarding this article, I may spend more content to solve the garbled code problem after WHMCS migrates . You may ask, isn’t your title a tutorial on migrating WHMCS to VPS? ? In fact, data migration is really a simple process, so I will only briefly explain it. However, this problem of garbled characters is something that many people struggle with.
Hostgator has migrated and changed IPs for basically all distribution account servers this month, which has brought about a large number of problems, which may affect all WHMCS hosts currently sold by IDC. Some friends said Forget it, either buy a lifetime license or use the ignore license. As entrusted by some customers, I wrote a WHMCS migration tutorial from host to VPS. Please pay attention to the VPS mentioned in this article. What is compiled is the latest version of Junge’s LNMP one-click package.
I divided the entire relocation process into three parts: backup → import → debugging.

The tutorial assumes that we have compiled LNMP and necessary components (such as: ionCube, IMAP, etc.). At the same time, create a new virtual host with your WHMCS domain name, and have the directory of the domain name you created under /home/wwwroot/.
I divide recovery into 2 parts:
1. Recover files. In the VPS, use the command to decompress homedir.tar in the compressed package to obtain the public_html folder. Move the contents of mv to the file directory /home/wwwroot/**** of the virtual host you created, and modify the directory permissions;
2 , restore SQL. First log in to phpmyadmin and create a database with the same name as our previous WHMCS, database user, and password (you can also create different ones here, and finally modify the configuration file. You can create exactly the same one to save trouble).
Next, in the MySQL file directory, use mysql –u username –p database name


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