Websound is a British VPS service provider. It started doing VPS in 2013. The host provider provides VPS products based on KVM architecture. The data center is in the United States Las Vegas Gas. Some friends need a large hard drive VPS. Here I would like to share the large hard drive VPS product of Websound with an annual price of 18 pounds (≈28 US dollars) for a 100GB hard drive package.

Let’s first take a look at the configuration information of this large hard drive VPS.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 512MB


Hard drive: 100GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 3TB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1/Virtualizor

Test IP:

【Purchase link】https://websound.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&pid=125

The VPS hen provided by Websound uses E5 2620v2 CPU, 128GB memory and four 4TB hard disk groups RAID10+BBU. In addition to this large hard drive VPS, the hosting provider also provides discounts for other regular product packages. Using the discount code LEBDR07, in addition to getting corresponding discounts, the 256M-1GB package can also get double the memory upgrade.


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