Recently I have recorded some basic things about buying a VPS. I have summarized some of the questions that readers have asked through QQ. Most of them can’t find the place to enter the discount code, so I will come up with a special article about how to use the VPS discount code. Where to enter the article, mainly for novice friends, veterans please laugh it off. Among the order systems currently used to buy VPS, the most common ones are WHMCS and Xensystem. Most foreign host companies use the former, while the latter is commonly used by Chinese IDC.
Regarding the WHMCS order system commonly used by foreign VPS hosting companies, I will take Bandwagonhost (Bandwagonhost) as an example. Maybe different hosting companies use different templates, but the labels (descriptions) of the function buttons are Similarly, the English words of Promotional Code will not change. Under normal circumstances, we select the appropriate product, click Order to place an order, enter basic content such as hostname, NS, root password, etc. Add to Cart to add to the shopping cart and enter the order summary page.
As shown above, enter the discount code in the discount code box, and then click Vilidate Code to verify whether the discount code is available. If available, you can see the change in the direct price.
The above picture shows the price changes after the discount code is applied. Many friends often ask, is this discount code a lifetime discount? Is the renewal price still a preferential price? In fact, it is clear from the picture above. After using the discount code in the WHMCS order system, you can see the amount to be paid this time and next time, so you can confirm whether the discount is a recurring discount. Of course, the discount range can also generally be seen as Recurring Discount or One Time Discount.
The discount code input using the WHMCS order system may be in another location, but in general its labeling is exactly the same. Take Ramnode as an example as shown below:
This type does not directly enter the discount code in the order details, but enter it under the user information, in front of the payment method, and in the last step of submitting the order.
In addition to these, there are also some that do not use the WHMCS backend. Although the location for entering the discount code is different, the basic words are the same. Here I take BudgetVM as an example. They are developed by themselves. In the member center and management panel, let’s take a look at where BudgetVM loses discount codes. It’s still more powerful to use pictures.
Uploaded two pictures at once for comparison. After entering the discount code and checking the coupon, the discount will be applied. You can see the range tips and discounts in the picture below. price.
Of course, because there are differences in the theme templates of all hosting providers, the position of entering the discount code may change, but the basic words are nothing more than coupon, promotional code, etc. Even if you use ctrl+f to search on the page, you can probably find it. turn up.
After talking about the WHMCS system of foreign host companies, let’s take a look at the Xensystem management system commonly used by Chinese IDC. Where to enter the discount code , the more representative ones include Maxthon host, Locvps, 80VPS, VPS2EZ, etc. Wait, here is 80VPS as an example. There is now a lifetime 50% off discount code for SSD hard drives. I will use this as an example. Just choose a San Jose 512M package, the original price is 60 yuan. Click Buy Now in the member center, then select the operating system and click "Buy Now". There will be a place to enter the discount code on the subsequent page.
As shown above, enter the discount code in the box behind the discount code, and then click Use. You can see that the cycle price is already the price after the discount. After that, we can click Confirm Purchase to pay for this. The order has been activated.
In addition to using Xensystem, Chinese IDC also uses a small amount of WHMCS backend. The discount code input method is basically the same as that of foreign hosting providers, except that the signs and so on are all in Chinese, which is more clear, so there is no need to continue taking screenshots to explain.


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