I have told you so much about good VPS in the previous two sections, but after reading it, you should be able to find that until now, we have a VPS, but we have not controlled it or played with it. A good VPS often says: What we want is to play with the VPS, not be played by the VPS. So, at the beginning of this section, let’s talk about how to play VPS? Today, let’s take a look at SSH connection .
***Before getting to the point, I need to say a very important thing, that is, the VPS we are explaining now and before are all based on the Linux system, and the Windows system can be skipped. ***
SSH connection to VPS requires a tool. Here, I use putty as an example to describe (regarding putty, you can use this as the theme to search for downloads in the search engine). Double-click the tool we downloaded: putty.
You can see the screenshots. I have marked the areas that need attention. Fill in the IP address of the Host Name, or the Host Name of our VPS (note: if you fill in the Host Name, it must be parsed and effective in advance, so it is recommended to fill in the IP for a good VPS). Generally, the port 22 does not need to be modified; then we fill in any in Saved Sessions Of course, a name is something we can remember. For example, for VIRPUS VPS, just write VIRPUS and then Save. This step is so that we don’t have to enter the IP address every time. Next time, we can just double-click the saved name to connect.
Ok, after filling it out, we click Open (or double-click the saved name) to open the putty software.
When connecting for the first time, we will see the above screen and need to click "Yes" to confirm. This dialog box will not appear when you connect again in the future (it will also appear if you connect for the first time after reinstalling the OS on SolusVM).
The picture above is the connection screen after confirmation. First, enter the username: root. After pressing Enter, enter the password. Many novice friends told VPS that I cannot enter my password! Here, I reiterate again: In order to secure the connection, the password input here is not displayed. You only need to enter it and press Enter after completion. If you are wrong, you will not pass, enter again!
Ok, the process of SSH connection to is like this. At this time, there are many things we can do. What are the specific operations? You can search on this blog for Linux novice commands written before for a good VPS, or simple performance tests of VPS, etc. Of course, you can also join the website building tribe exchange group established by Good VPS: 60525902 or VPS exchange group: 94535044 to discuss with many experts.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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