A few days ago, an enthusiastic reader mentioned that another foreign hosting provider besides 3H (3H is the abbreviation for HostUS, HostHatch and HostWithLinux, but the last one was acquired and only 2H is left now) provides Hong Kong SLVPSNine of the computer room VPS. I just saw that Xiaoye updated the current 30% off information of this company. I stole it and shared it with everyone~ Use the 7% discount provided by the hosting provider in LET The minimum monthly payment is $7 after discount code.
Let’s take the lowest 256M package as an example and take a look at its configuration information.
CPU: 1 core
Memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 30GB/RAID10
Monthly traffic: 400GB/1Gbps
Virtual architecture: OpenVZ
IP/Panel: 1IPv4/?
【Official website】https://www.vpsnine.com
Because I wasn't sure what panel the host provider was using, I typed one? No., readers who know more are welcome to share. In addition, he said in the LET information that it is currently offering 30% off with promo code LET1215 for the following locations: Singapore, Auckland New Zealand, Cape Town South Africa, New York City USA and Zurich Switzerland. It did not mention that it is also available in Hong Kong, but ordering It seems to be possible, and I hope enthusiastic readers can help confirm it. Other node test IPs: (Singapore), (New York), (Germany), (Switzerland), (South Africa) ), (New Zealand)