VPSIO is a newly opened Chinese VPS host, providing VPS products based on the XEN architecture Linux system. The data center is in Los Angeles webnx, with excellent domestic access speeds. VPSIO products are positioned as high-end products and provide strong technical support.
In order to celebrate the stable launch of VPSIO, the official launched a lifetime discount code of 25% off. After using this discount code, the monthly payment for a 512MB product is only 112 yuan (original price ¥ 149 yuan/month).

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
SWAP: 1024MB
Hard drive: 15GB
Monthly traffic: 150GB
1 IP/SolusVM

[Discount Code]VPSIOBINGO
Test IP ( Demonstration: PHP Probe***100MB download
 Go to the VPSIO official website→
The following is the VPS port rate and disk IO test provided by VPSIO
[Port rate]100Mbps
[Disk IO] is very powerful
In addition, the monthly traffic and hard disk space in the initial configuration of the VPS host are not very powerful. Good VPS consulted the host provider on this issue, and the official stated that the user is indeed If necessary, you can directly submit a support ticket to add it for free. Los Angeles VPS is also relatively fast in China.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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