VPSHostingdeal is a very new foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since July this year (one month ago). It provides VPS products based on OpenVZ and XEN architecture. The data center is in Las Vegas, the lowest OpenVZ package pays only $12 per year.


Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this OpenVZ annual payment package.

CPU: 1 cores

Memory: 128MB

Burst memory: 256MB

Hard drive: 20GB

Monthly traffic: 500GB


Test IP:

【Purchase link】https://www.reprisehosting.com/client/cart.php?a=add&pid=9

The VPS disk array mode RAID1 provided by VPSHostingdeal can also be upgraded to SSD disk hen (additional fee is required). The package I shared above is cheap, equivalent to US$1 per month, but the host provider is indeed very new, so friends who want to buy it should consider it themselves. In addition, the XEN architecture provided by the host provider may be the XEN HVM series, because in the introduction, their XEN architecture can provide systems such as windows 2003 and 2008.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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