VPEasy is a new sub-site of Versaweb. In 2014, they opened an UltraVPS sub-site. This new sub-site still provides services based on KVM architecture products, the data center is self-operated Las Vegas. Currently, he also provides a first-year discount code, which is why I have to remind you in the first paragraph of the article that the title is US$14.4 for the first year, and the renewal is US$18/year.


Let’s take the lowest model of 1G memory as an example. The first-year price is US$14.4.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 1GB

Hard drive: 15GB SSD/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 1TB/100Mbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM

Discount code: FirstYear  Test IP:

【Purchase link】https://www.vpeasy.com/billing/order/main/packages/VPS/?group_id=1&package_id=1

The management panel is temporarily undecided, please let me know who purchased it (it has been updated, thanks to the enthusiastic readers for providing the information). VPEasyHEN has 128G large memory, and all packages provided require annual payment. One last reminder, during the ordering process, when choosing the operating system, there are Windows 2008 and 2012 (both beta versions). As informed by enthusiastic readers, the panel does have a Windows system beta version. It seems that the FAQ is scary. The host company will The FAQ says this:

Q: Do you offer Windows on these VPS plans?
A: Nope – these plans are Linux only. We aren’t planning to offer Windows VPS plans at this time.


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