VIRPUS is an old foreign VPS hosting provider. It was established in 2006. It mainly provides VPS products based on OpenVZ and XEN architecture. Earlier they seemed to have said that they would stop launching new OpenVZ products. It’s no longer in the cloud, but you can still see the VZ package on the official website. Today, we will not share VZ information. Recently, the host company released a lifetime 20% off discount code, which is available for monthly payment, and a free DA panel for annual payment.

Take a basic

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
SWAP: 1024MB
Hard disk: 20 GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
2 IP/SolusVM+Free DirectAdmin (requires annual or semi-annual payment)

Discount code: 613-20
Test IP: Angeles)
Click to go to virpus official website→
The above discount code is applicable to all and 2 data centers in Kansas.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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