From the latest news released by URPad on the 11th of WHT, URPad provides a Linux VPS product located in the Seattle data center in the United States. Every Only $4.95 per month. Official news released on WHTURPad is a hosting provider that started in 2008, but this domain name has been registered since 2010. The specific situation is unknown. However, Seattle data The center is located on the West Coast and is one of the most mainland-friendly data centers.
The configuration of this VPS is as follows:
Memory: 512MB
Burst memory: 1024MB
Hard drive: 40GB
Monthly traffic: 350GB
1 IP / SolusVM
Click the direct purchase link→
[Test IP]
The VPS provided by URPad is based on OpenVZ virtual technology, Linux system , the hard disk space is very abundant. The official stated clearly that VPS supports TUN/PPP, and it only takes 30 minutes to submit a support ticket in the background to activate it. In addition to this $4.95 VPS, Hao VPS also saw a $3.95 monthly VPS product (256MB/512MB/30GB/150GB) on the official website. You can also check it out.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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