UGVPS first appeared here in December last year. This is a foreign VPS hosting provider that has not been established for a long time. It provides VPS based on the OpenVZ architecture, including Data centers in Los Angeles , Chicago and Atlanta, among which Los Angeles is in the PR computer room, with excellent domestic speed. UGVPS offers products at very good prices. For example, a VZ1024 is only USD 12 for half-year payment (monthly payment is USD 4.25).

Taking this vz1024 as an example, its configuration information includes the following parts.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Burst memory: 1536MB
Hard disk: 40 GB (SSD cache)
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP: Angeles)
【Buy Link】
The above packages provided by UGVPS use SSD cache disk (not direct SSD Hard disk, disks using SSD cache can improve IO to a certain extent), there are 3 data centers to choose from, half-year payment is much more cost-effective than monthly payment, but the host provider is still relatively new, just bet on luck, not that much Just to make money and run away... At the same time, he also provides another package with 2GB memory, 2.5GB burst, 60GB disk and 2TB traffic, with a monthly payment of US$6 (semi-annually payment is US$19).

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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