TMThosting is a foreign VPS service provider established in 2018. It is also a merchant that supports domestic payment methods such as Alipay and WeChat. The host provider provides VPS and independent server rental services. The data centers include Seattle and Dallas in the United States. , among which VPS is based on the KVM architecture, all provide free DDoS protection, and support the selection of Windows or Linux operating systems. Currently, the host provider provides a 10% discount code for large hard drive VPS , which is opened in a Dallas computer room. The minimum monthly payment is US$4.49 for a minimum 250GB hard drive.

The following lists the large hard disk VPS host configuration information.

Architecture CPU Memory harddisk flow system price
single core 512MB 250GB 1TB/1Gbps $4.49/month
single core 512MB 500GB 2TB/1Gbps $8.99/month
single core 512MB 750GB 3TB/1Gbps $13.49/month
single core 512MB 1TB 4TB/1Gbps $17.99/month
single core 512MB 1.25TB 5TB/1Gbps $22.49/month
single core 512MB 1.5TB 6TB/1Gbps $26.99/month
single core 512MB 1.75TB 7TB/1Gbps $31.49/month
single core 512MB 2TB 8TB/1Gbps $35.99/month
   Discount code: STORAGEVPS2020  Test IP:  Download test

All VPS hosts provided by TMThosting can be activated immediately upon payment. Large hard disk VPS also provides DDoS defense. Dallas provides 30Gbps. The host supports Windows or Linux systems. However, if Windows is installed, the memory may be too small. The above discount code is a lifetime discount, and the renewal price is the same. Readers who need the regular Seattle computer room package can also read the previous article:


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