TheCheapestVPS is a site under YDGH (abbreviation for yourdomainingoeshere). It was newly opened in 2012 (YDGH was opened in 2008). It provides VPS based on the OpenVZ architecture. The price is relatively cheap. This domain name You should understand it through translation. The lowest configuration product provided by the host website pays only US$14 per year, while another package that supports monthly payment is only US$3.33.

We still insist on monthly payment, so we share the configuration information of this monthly payment product.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
Burst memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
2 IPs/SolusVM

Test IP:
[Purchase link]
In addition, when purchasing this VPS, choose annual payment Friends, use the discount code: WHT to get 3 months of free usage (the time can be added manually after ordering). The above packages can only choose the Dallas node, so the test IP provided above is from Dallas , although the website has been listed on 3 nodes, the other two nodes have never been shipped!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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