There aren’t many discounts on consoles abroad recently, but Double Eleven, the annual event for domestic e-commerce, is coming soon. In addition to the well-known Taobao, and other activities, domestic cloud service providers have also launched a series of preferential activities. I just have some free time recently. After looking at Tencent Cloud for nothing, he launched a number of activities, such as three flash sales every day, and a cloud server (CVM) 1G memory at 10 am for 300 yuan/year , optional in Shanghai, Chengdu, Hong Kong and other regions, today’s 10 o’clock event is 208 yuan/9 months.


I specially drew an arrow in the picture above to visit Tencent Cloud official website ( click to go directly to the official website ). The first slideshow advertisement on the website is the Double Eleven event. Link, you can click Buy Now to go directly to the Double Eleven discount page.

The Double Eleven event is from October 23rd to November 17th. There are three flash sales every Monday to Friday (10:00, 15:00, 17:00). There is a flash sale at 10 o'clock on October 31st. It is 208 yuan/9 months for a cloud server (1 core, 1G memory, 50G hard disk, 1M bandwidth), 388 yuan/6 months for a cloud server (1 core, 2G memory, 50G hard disk, 1M bandwidth), plus a 60 yuan/month cloud database. .

In addition to flash sale activities, Tencent Cloud has also launched many special-priced cloud servers, which can be paid for up to three years at a time. The following figure lists several special machine configurations. Optional computer rooms include Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Beijing and Hong Kong (Chengdu The price of computer room is slightly lower than other areas).


  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB cloud hard drive
  • Bandwidth: 1M
  • Architecture: Cloud
  • IP: 1 public network/1 intranet
  • Price: 327.6 yuan/yearPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB cloud hard drive
  • Bandwidth: 1M
  • Architecture: Cloud
  • IP: 1 public network/1 intranet
  • Price: 592.2 yuan/yearPurchase link
  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB cloud hard drive
  • Bandwidth: 1M
  • Architecture: Cloud
  • IP: 1 public network/1 intranet
  • Price: 665.2 yuan/yearPurchase link

All special-price hosts have 1M bandwidth by default and can be upgraded later. I tried upgrading to 2M in Shanghai and it seemed to cost more than 200 a year. The host supports Linux or Windows systems and can be reinstalled directly on the management page.

In addition to CVM, there are also some discounts when buying CDN traffic packages. Please note that the CDN traffic package is valid for 6 months. If you buy it, please choose according to your needs. If you buy more than 6 months, it will not be refunded. In addition, Tencent Cloud also has a free product: SSL certificate. The domain name type DV SSL certificate is currently free to apply for and lasts for 1 year. It only verifies domain name ownership and is more convenient to issue. Interested friends can try it.

Written at the end: Tencent Cloud has many agents, and the agent payment price is even more favorable than the official website~


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