The Lunar New Year is approaching, and all major cloud server manufacturers are making their final sprint at the end of the year. Tencent Cloud Flash Sale is continuing, providing cloud servers, MySQL, SMS packages, etc., suitable for individuals Or enterprise users, among which cloud servers in China and Hong Kong are participating in the event. There are 4 flash sales every day, at 9:00, 13:00, 16:00, and 19:00. The event lasts until February 3. The minimum annual payment for individual users is 128 yuan for 1C2G1MShanghai Cloud Server, and only 1,499 yuan for 2C4G6M in three years.

Activity page: Click directly to

  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 1M
  • Region: Shanghai
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 128 yuan/year
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S3
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 5M
  • Region: Shanghai
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 488 yuan/year
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S2/3
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 3M
  • Region: Shanghai
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 998 yuan/3 years
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 1M
  • Region: Shanghai
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 128 yuan/year
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 1M
  • Region: Hong Kong
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 249 yuan/year
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 4 cores
  • Memory: 8GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 5M
  • Region: Shanghai/Beijing
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 2,400 yuan/2 years
  • Purchase:Activity page

Below are some cloud product solutions for enterprise users. Please note that all activities require new users to participate.

  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 5M
  • Region: Shangbei
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 1,200 yuan/3 years
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 8GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 6M
  • Region: Shangbei
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 1,790 yuan/3 years
  • Purchase:Activity page
  • Example: S2
  • CPU: 4 cores
  • Memory: 8GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Bandwidth: 6M
  • Region: Shangbei
  • IP: 1
  • Price: 3050 yuan/3 years
  • Purchase:Activity page
Flash sale rules

Event target: Domestic site users who have registered on the official website of Tencent Cloud and completed real-name authentication can participate (except for collaborators and sub-author accounts);

Activity time: Effective immediately until 23:59:59 on February 3, 2020;

Flash sale instructions:

  1. 1. Flash sale discounts cannot be combined with other discounts, and vouchers cannot be used;
  2. 2. If payment is not completed within 60 minutes, the order will automatically expire. Please pay as soon as possible after placing the order; if the order is canceled after reaching the purchase quantity and frequency limit, the purchase qualification for the corresponding number of purchases will be restored within 5 minutes;
  3. 3. Among the flash sale products, new user-exclusive models can only be purchased by new users of Tencent Cloud (with no order record or the total order amount is 0). Each account is limited to 1 unit, maximum Can be killed once; the same real-name account and the same mobile phone number are regarded as the same user;
  4. 4. After the purchase is completed, downgrading is not allowed, nor is it supported to upgrade first and then downgrade; configuration upgrades and renewals are carried out according to the normal purchase process on the official website; after the purchased product expires, the renewal is carried out according to the price listed on the official website;
  5. 5. If a refund occurs, please refer to the official website return instructions > for details. Some cloud products do not support self-service refunds. If the product does not support self-service refunds, you can submit a work order in the corresponding product work order category to apply for a return and refund. Before returning the product for a refund, please first confirm whether you meet the conditions of the return instructions, and make sure that the data has been migrated. After a refund occurs, the corresponding purchase quantity qualification will not be restored;
  6. 6. When reinstalling the system on a cloud server in Hong Kong, China, the exchange between Linux and Windows systems is not supported;
  7. 7. After purchasing a flash sale cloud server, each server can be bound to up to 2 IPs;
  8. 8. The system disks included in the flash sale cloud server configuration are all 50G high-performance cloud hard disks. If the capacity needs to be expanded, the system disks will take effect after reinstalling the system. For details, please refer to >; If you need to store more business data, it is recommended to create cloud hard disk storage. Please refer to > for details;
  9. 9. Flash sale of cloud server fixed bandwidth; if you need more bandwidth, please go to the official website to upgrade after purchasing the server on the event page. The upgrade fee refers to the official website price;
  10. 10. The Flash Cloud Server supports switching from bandwidth-based billing to traffic-based billing. Careful consideration is required before switching:
    a. If you apply for a bandwidth refund and the remaining balance is greater than 0 yuan, the payment method (cash/bonus) will be used. Return to Tencent Cloud account;
    b. If you switch back to billing by bandwidth, you need to purchase bandwidth again according to the official website price, and the bandwidth will not enjoy the discount of this event. ;
  11. 11. Flashkill cloud server supports switching between private network A and private network B. For details, please refer to the cloud server private network switching service;
  12. 12. Cloud products do not support changing regions after purchase. The regional configuration of each product and the sales of resources in different regions are subject to the event purchase page now;
  13. 13. Security group: The active cloud server/database does not configure a security group. You can use the cloud server/database console to create, view, update, delete, etc. To manage security groups and security group rules, please refer to the cloud server operation guide, Cloud database operation guide;
  14. 14. In order to prevent malicious swiping of activity resources or use of resources to engage in illegal activities, participation in any activities on the page requires registration and real-name verification of real information, including personal information such as email, mobile phone number, ID card, etc. Users who do not meet the certification standards will be shown that their accounts are at risk. In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the activities, Tencent Cloud has the right to take back cloud resources from users who maliciously snatch event resources (such as through technical means such as programs), have idle resources for a long time, or use resources to engage in illegal activities.

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