SwitchVM is a newly opened foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since August this year... It provides VPS based on the OpenVZ architecture, and the data center is also located in our favorite Los Angeles. MCThe most important thing about the computer room is: it’s cheap! Currently, host companies release some special packages and lifetime 10% off discount codes on LET, and provide hard drive and monthly traffic upgrades. A VZ-256 package is only US$2.25 per month and supports monthly payment, which is very important~~~
Okay, let’s take a look at the configuration of this VZ-256 (

Original price $2.5/month


CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
Burst memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30GB (original 15GB)
Monthly traffic: 1TB (original 500GB)
1 IP/SolusVM

Discount code: DOUBLEHDBW  Test IP:
[Purchase link]https://switchvm.com/billing /cart.php?a=add&pid=10
Money has been tight recently, so I haven’t bought a good VPS to try it out. Friends who have one are welcome to “borrow” it for fun. In addition, as for the newly opened VPS hosting provider, we still pay monthly. If he really runs away with the 2 US dollars, we don’t feel bad, just buy him a hamburger to eat, oh no, you can’t buy it abroad, we will kill him! Well, when I say this, I don't mean that I'm sure he's going to run away. The price of the regular package on their official website is also relatively regular. Los Angeles MCDomestic access speed is good. Those who need a recommended VPS for practicing, go here!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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