serverdragon's discount information in WHT, all VPS use discount code to get 50% discount. However, this is such a young company. The domain name was registered six months ago, and it was registered for one year at a time, with half a year remaining. However, in view of its price, friends who like to play around with it, or those who have never been exposed to VPS and want to practice it, may consider it.
The following are some VPS configurations: (The following prices are all after discounts)
1.128MB/256MB/30GB/100GB   $1.5/month
2.256MB/512MB/50GB/150GB   $2/month
3.512MB/1GB/80GB/200GB      < x2> $3/month
VPS all available 1 Independent IP address, 100MB bandwidth, 99.9% online time, 100% refund guarantee in the first month if not satisfied, quick response within 1 hour, it seems easy to say. In addition, IDC also boasts that it is never oversold...OpenVZ is not oversold? Haha, who would believe it!
However, as you can see, the prices above are very affordable. Of course, this is the price after using the discount code, which is a 50% discount (only for the first month, the renewal price is the original price, please base the original price on this*2 ).
The merchant gave a test IP: You can trace the line. Guangdong Telecom is a good VPS. The ping value is about 300-350ms, which is quite stable. The specific speed of the VPS after setting up the website depends on Not sure anymore. Finally, a good VPS would like to remind you to pay monthly as much as possible to reduce risks. In addition, this relatively young IDC is still more suitable for tossing. Don't put away important data for the time being, or back it up frequently.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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