SecureDragon is an American VPS host provider. The Good VPS Tribe has introduced its preferential information many times. It has always provided VPS at ultra-low discount prices for the first month (such as US$0.37 for the first month, etc.). Recently, I saw that it has launched price reduction promotions for some of its VPSs. Using different discount codes corresponding to different packages, you can get a monthly payment discount of 1 to 2 US dollars.

Here we take a VPS based on the XEN architecture as an example (

Original price $6.99/month


CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 14GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/SolusVM

[Discount code]599X256($5.99/month after discount)
[Purchase link]
In addition to XEN architecture products, OpenVZ products can also use discount codes, such as a 256MB Memory, 512MB burst, 15G hard drive, OpenVZ architecture VPS with 1000GB monthly traffic, after using the discount code 299O256, it is only US$2.99 ​​per month, which is also a very impressive price. Finally, I will send you Florida VPS test IP:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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