RHServices is an American hosting provider. Its domain name is really long enough (reliablehostingservices.net), and the VPS product it provides is also from a region that is not very familiar with (US, Baltimore, Maryland). ), but the ping value of the officially provided test IP here is good. After adding the 50% discount code for the first month, a well-configured VPS only costs 5 US dollars, so I will share it with you here.
RHServicesThe minimum configuration of a VPS is as follows:
Memory: 512MB
Burst memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 100GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/OpenVZ
[Discount code]RHSVPSSEPT2011
[Purchase address]https ://www.reliablehostingservices.net/whmcs/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=1
The original price of this VPS is US$10 per month. After using the discount code, the first month only costs US$5. Very good value for money, big hard drive and lots of memory. Another XEN VPS with the same price, with 512MB memory, 50GB hard drive, and 1000GB monthly traffic, you can also use this discount code. The official provides a test IP:
I finally saw an area where the ping values ​​of China Mobile and China Unicom are relatively consistent. Go ahead and buy it for a month and play around.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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