ReverseHosts is a foreign VPS hosting provider established in mid-2012. It provides virtual hosting and VPS, among which VPS is based on the second-generation OpenVZ architecture, and the data center is in Kansas. The lowest vz512 package provided by the host provider is only US$3.99 per month, but compared to the other vz1024 package, which is only US$5 per month, it is more cost-effective.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of the vz1024 package.
CPU: Unknown
Memory: 1024MB
vSWAP: 1024MB
Hard drive: 85 GB
Monthly traffic: 1500GB
1 IP/SolusVM
Discount code: 1GBVPS Test IP:
[Purchase link]https://clients.reversehosts.com/cart. php?gid=6
ReverseHosts The VPS provided by KansasDatashack computer room. The host company did not indicate the CPU parameter information, but I guess it is not a very powerful CPU. Considering the configuration, this price is quite good. In addition, the host company also has some very cheap packages, such as the vz128 package, but it requires payment for at least half a year. If you are interested, you can consider it yourself.