I have introduced Quickweb many times in my blog. It is said that it was opened by Chinese students from New Zealand and has always had a good reputation among Chinese people. Their low-cost annual payment products of US$23.88 and US$35.88 have also been sought after by small and medium-sized webmasters. LEB, a well-known cheap VPS collection blog, is a VPS sponsored by Quickweb. I just discovered the news on LEB. Quickweb also issued a special 20% discount code for LEB.
This OpenVZ product provided by Quickweb is located in the Phoenix data center. After using the discount code, the annual payment is only $19.1 (

Original price $23.88

), his configuration is:

Memory: 128MB
Burst memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 6GB
Monthly traffic: 100GB(10Mbps)
1 IP/SolusVM

【Discount code】LEB1111
【Purchase address】http://www.quickweb. co.nz/lowendbox.html
This VPS port speed is 10Mbps, and you can upgrade to a 100Mbps port for a one-time fee of US$5. Although the hard disk and traffic are relatively limited, it also reduces the chance of influx of torment emperors, brings you a good neighbor, and the price is still worth it to build the website with peace of mind.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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