This free VPS, I saw everyone applying for it one after another on F8. I have been itching and struggling for two days. I finally figured it out today and applied for it and installed it successfully. Now I will summarize the application method. Down, send up. (Please note that some of the pictures in this tutorial are reproduced from the Internet and are not original to me)
First of all, we need to understand that applying for this free VPS requires a Czech IP address. Therefore, we need to use a VPN and use a Czech proxy to apply. , this is necessary. Here we use the free 3-day VPN of Let me briefly talk about the usage of this VPN, because I have been wandering here for a long time. First, go to this site to register an account activation, and then activate the free 3-day VPN. Note, use your real mobile phone number, because you need to use this phone to receive an activation code.
After applying for a free VPN, I believe everyone knows how to use it, right? For students who don’t know, search it on Baidu. You can download openVPN ( click to download ). The file downloaded here includes an installation program and configuration file. First, run the installation program to install it, and then extract the configuration file to the openVPN installation directory OpenVPNconfig. Then we Run openVPN and connect to the Czech proxy (several of the configuration files just mentioned are Czech addresses).
OK, after we connected to the Czech agent, we started to apply for VPS~
Application address:
Select the system It’s better to choose Debian at this time, and choose START for the type. As shown in the picture:

The lower part of the above picture is your name, email address, phone number, address, city, zip code, and country. Fill it out completely according to the content in the picture.

OK, as shown above, check, send, and then go to your mailbox to receive the mail! The picture below is a screenshot of the email I received:

Then we log in to the management page of and go to START to download the VPS!

Next, we need to SSH to connect, install LNMP, etc. In the next blog post, I will talk about the tutorial on installing LNMP on free VPS !
Many friends have sent me VPN information through various methods, hoping to apply for a VPS on their behalf. However, good VPS capabilities are limited, and I cannot apply for them one by one. The Chinese have a saying: It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. Therefore, I hope you will try to apply for it yourself. Of course, I hope you can share with me the problems you encountered in the application and share the solutions with everyone! Thank you for your support, and I'm sorry!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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