OnraHostThe domain name has been registered since 2012, but it has not been in the VPS business for that long. Recently, I have seen him advertising more frequently on LET. The host provider provides VPS based on XEN and KVM architecture. The data centers are respectively located in Los Angeles and New York. Located in Los Angeles QuadraNet's XEN architecture products provide large hard drives and low prices. For example, the monthly payment for the 512M package is only US$4.


Let’s take the 512M package as an example and take a look at its configuration information.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive; 100GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 2500GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: XEN

IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM

【Purchase link】https://client.onrahost.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=126

The hosting provider did not provide test IP information, but there are indeed many people using QuadraNet in Los Angeles. You can just find the IP of this computer room and try it. In addition to the XEN architecture of large hard drives, OnraHost has its own hardware hosted in the computer room, and the KVM architecture products provided by the host provider use SSD The hard drive and data center are in New York. The minimum monthly payment is only US$4.5, which can provide 10Gbps DDoS protection.


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