In December last year, I introduced the news of Nodion. This is a foreign VPS hosting provider that has just started selling. It provides KVM<ept2 based on >Architecture products, the latest data center has been expanded to include Frankfurt, Germany, UKLondon, the Netherlands, etc. According to their plan, they will also expand to the United States in the second, third and fourth quarters of this year. In computer rooms such as Los Angeles, Washington, and Miami (in the future...), host companies use SSD hard drives, and the minimum annual payment is only 12 euros.

Let’s take the 12-euro annual payment package as an example and let’s take a look at its configuration information.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 15GB SSD

Monthly traffic: 500GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/custom panel

【Order】Purchase link

Test IP: (Frankfurt) ( London ) (Netherlands)

The above package has optional 3 data centers, of which the Netherlands has no DDoS protection and the other two are attack resistant. The hosting provider uses its own panel and is developing functions such as hourly billing, self-service IP addition, rDNS, etc.


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