NetworXlab is a newly opened foreign VPS hosting provider. It provides VPS based on the VMware architecture. The data center is in the central United States Kansas, and the domestic access speed is average. The host company released a 50% off lifetime discount on LEB, and the discounted Medium package is only US$7 per month (

Original price $14/month

), and supports windows or linux systems.
Let’s share the configuration information of this $7 VPS product.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
SWAP: 1024MB
Hard drive: 25GB
Monthly traffic: 2TB
1 IP/VMware

Discount code: LowEndBox  Test IP:
[Purchase link] /support/cart.php?a=add&pid=2
Good VPS has never used this VPS with VMware architecture, but the hosting provider clearly stated that it supports windows. You can also choose the windows2003 system when ordering. If you want to transfer your own ISO requires an installation fee of 5 US dollars. Please pay attention to this. A friend with cheap skills can share it~

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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