Netcetera is an old foreign hosting provider established in 1996. The merchant also provides VPS products based on the KVM architecture and uses pure SSD hard drives. , data center in the UK. Currently, the hosting provider has released a 50% discount code for the first month on LET. After the discount, the lowest 512M package for the first month only costs 2.5 pounds. Readers who are in need of VPS in this region of the UK are welcome to test it out.


Let’s take the 512M package as an example and take a look at its configuration information first.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 10GB SSD

Monthly traffic: 1TB/100Mbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM

【Order】Purchase link

Discount code: SSD50   Test IP:

Let me remind you again that the discount code is only for the first month's discount and not for life. According to the current exchange rate, if converted into U.S. dollars, it will be about $3 for the first month and less than $7 for renewal. The hosting provider uses its own IP network and hardware resources. The domestic access speed of the British VPS is average. The ping value of my local telecom is not high, but there is a lot of packet loss.


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