The news I saw today is the latest offer from, where you can directly register a .com domain name for 2 years at a price of $9.99/2 years. is a professional domain name registrar in the United States. Its services are quite satisfactory. Although its price advantage is not as good as godaddy, its management and reputation are still well received by domestic webmasters.
Please pay attention to the picture below. To register a .com domain name, it costs $9.99 for one year. If you choose 2 years, it will also cost $9.99, which is only more than 30 yuan per year. Although this discount is not as powerful as the $1 first-year domain name registration discount often launched by Godaddy, it is still a very good choice compared with domestic domain name registrars.
Friends who need it can check it out. This offer does not require a discount code, and I don’t know the deadline, but the good VPS has just been tested and is effective.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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