Myhost123 is an excellent VPS hosting provider in China and one of the VPS hosting providers that good VPS has always used and recommended. Its products are based on XEN virtual technology, Linux system, and data centers include Los Angeles WebNX and Los Angeles peer1 computer room. I just received the Valentine’s Day limited-time discount code released by Myhost123, and I also saw the promotional picture on the official homepage.
The discount released by Myhost123 this time is relatively large, with a lifetime discount of 30% (i.e. 30% off). The discount code is shared below.
【Discount code】love-2012
【Validity period】 February 13th 15:00-February 16th 15:00 (Beijing time)
Click to enter the official website of Myhost123→
Original text of the official email:

Dear ALL
we have huge discount on our all products,except addon and special product.
use the promon code:love-2012 for all base product and it will be 30% off
it just has 72hours,begin from beijing time 15:00 pm 2012/02/13,end to 15:00 pm 2012/02/16

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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