Because of the popularity of Twitter, and the fact that GFW's guns are getting higher and higher, there are more and more things blocking the guns, so when I search the guns, there are more VPN and the like. Good VPS today. I bring you a freeVPN, and it’s in Chinese.
Registering this free VPN is very simple, and the interface is in Chinese. This is more intuitive than applying for a foreign free space, because the interface is all in Chinese. After filling in the information and submitting it, You can log in with your account, and you don’t even need email verification. The uplink and downlink of this free VPN are both 512K, and the free traffic is 1G. Although it is a bit small, the free stuff is just that, but the speed is pretty good and very stable. You can apply for it and give it a try.
Registration address:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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